Tuesday, 6 October 2009


I know this is a second sex-related post this week, 
but it's worth it purely for their "alleged" promotion...


J said...

...and then probably puts them down to his expenses.

kyungmee said...

very interesting blog! thought provoking too! I am looking forward to following your site:) I would like to add it to mu favorite list..is that okay?
-kyungmee from sheltersky.

kyungmee said...

thank you! Just added the link:)looking forward to seeing & sharing our views:)

Unknown said...

Lol! Really funny! :-)

Your comment on my blog also made me smile! :-) In fact, October usually is a great month here (even to go to the beach) but, although it's hot, not this one!... Hopefully the sun comes back tomorrow! :-)))

David Chua said...

Too much text man! It'll definitely be a better marketing tool if the shop owner puts up more pictures. Nice shot.

DJ said...
