Friday, 10 July 2009

Caught In The Act


eamon@ewmphotography said...
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eamon@ewmphotography said...

Cool - was it very early in the morning, or was he cheeky enough to do it during working hours?

(previous post removed because I lost a word while typing too fast!)

joo said...

Superb - isn't it illegal?

Owen said...

Crazy... in broad daylight ??? Was it maybe a commissioned job ? I've never seen people in the act like that... Just posted a big piece of graffiti also, if you have a second, come take a peek... it was non-standard graffiti. A good weekend to you...

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Hello. Wow this is a really cool blog. Just checking out new ones and came across yours. Feel free to come check out my little artsy blog if you'd like.

jeff said...

Je n'ose imaginer une telle scène avec les keufs dans les parages ! ! !...;) Trop cool le graf' !